GoldSim Training

[GoldSim Training Provider]

Dr. Tauxe is an experienced practitioner using the GoldSim environmental modeling software, and is a Certified GoldSim Training Provider with GoldSim Technology Group.

John is available to consult with you for GoldSim training. This training can take many forms, but is best done in person. Dr. Tauxe has trained groups and individuals, in the United States and internationally.

Basic training classes generally take several days, and training in the specialized contaminant transport and radionuclide transport modules is even more intense. That said, training scope, schedule, and location can be flexible to meet the needs of individuals, corporations, and government entities.

How to get training:

A free and easy way to get at least some training done is through GoldSim's on-line training courses. Their Introductory GoldSim Training class is for beginners. For those interested in using the contaminant transport and radionuclide transport modules, there is a Contaminant Transport Module Training class.
Both of these on-line courses take time and effort, but can be well worth it. In fact, I would recommend them as prerequisites for my in-person training, though this is not necessary.

Training in person with Tauxian Solutions is always available. I can bring a modeler from novice to capable environmental modeler in time. Please contact me using the contact information about scheduling a training class.

While it is recommended that all training courses be scheduled for an entire week, daily rates can be accommodated. A standard week-long course starts at $10,000 (USD) for the week, plus any travel expenses. Special topical courses (e.g. for safety case modeling) can be arranged. I also recommend that extended training be broken up so that students have time to exercise their newfound skills between courses. That is, have a week or so of Basic Training, followed by a break of at least a couple of weeks, and only then proceed to Advanced Training, then another break, and finally on to Radiological Performance Assessment Training.

Basic GoldSim Training:

The Basic course introduces the student to GoldSim, its "white page" way of object-oriented thinking and programming, and introductory methods of model documentation. It is very helpful if the student is already familiar with some sort of computer programming language. This course touches on the use and integration of the basic GoldSim modeling elements, as well as recommended programming style and discipline.

Advanced GoldSim Training:

This level of training can go in many different directions, depending on client needs. This could cover water balance and routing (e.g. for water resources or mining applications), or contaminant transport in various media, for water quality or pollutant transport applications. A client-specific course outline would be developed to meet particular needs.

Radiological Performance Assessment (Safety Case) Training:

One particular speciality that is in demand is the development of (or indeed simply the detailed review of) radiological Performance Assessments, also known as Safety Case assessments in international work. These are highly specialized site-specific risk assessments for the disposal of radioactive wastes, and are generally required by regulation. In the United States, for example, commercial radioactive wastes are to be evaluated against the Code of Federal Regulations, as promulgated by either the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or the Environmental Protection Agency, depending on the type of waste. Likewise, the Department of Energy has its own criteria for evaluating performance for its radioactive wastes. The International Atomic Energy Agency also has guidance for the radiological risk assessment of waste disposal facilities.

This level of training can involve the development of specific calculations required by regulations, regardless of nationality.